Masculinity & Parenting

For centuries, women were queens of the home while men were the kings of work. Philosophers, religions, and everyone in between told us so. But the world is changing. Many more women are stepping outside of this age old wisdom. But as men, are we responding to this change? As more women work outside of home, are we contributing more inside of it? Data suggests that we are but incredibly slowly. Among rich and relatively equal countries, men have only increased their effort at home by 7 extra minutes in the last 15 years. And in India, women contribute 8 times more to work at home than men do. Indian men are some of least equal partners when it comes to 'splitting the list'.
And then there is Shailesh Vaite, a 'work-from-home' dad who is proud to say that he has not missed a single important moment in his children's lives. Shailesh was around for their birth, their first steps, their first words and many more important moments. Shailesh's wife and him have agreed that he will 'split the list' and this has given his wife a full career at work, his kids two full-time parents, and Shailesh himself, some of his most meaningful and joyous moments.
In this episode on "Masculinity & Parenting", we explore the journey of a father, husband, and man, who with his wife decided that traditional gender roles at home were not for him.
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